Welcome! This is my site to publically/semi-publically write down things I am tinkering with. The blog posts below are just things I will continually update.
A short word from our sponsors: I currently use Debian GNU/Linux on my personal computers. Since there is no Debian musl/Linux, Debian BSD/Linux or Debian bionic/Linux and the other non-Linux distributions of Debian don't look to be actively maintained, just saying "Debian" assumes the full name of "Debian GNU/Linux". I think it would be fair to confuse people more by saying Debian GNU, that is the Debian distribution of the GNU Operating System, though I am basing it with the assumption that the GNU Operating System uses Linux as the kernel and that Hurd is not assumed. It is important to note that: these operating systems do not default to a single GUI, and that it is presumed that the operating system is GNU userland + Linux, like BSD is BSD userland + BSD kernel. For what it is worth, I use KDE. So, maybe it is appropriate to talk about it like this: I use KDE on Debian GNU/Linux. I could use KDE on FreeBSD, for example, and I have. I have a hard drive with FreeBSD. But I struggled with the wireless adapter. NetworkManager is nicer, to be honest, right now. But FreeBSD is otherwise also a good operating system to use for desktop purposes.
To clarify: I use Debian GNU/Linux with KDE.
But wait, isn't GNOME part of the GNU Operating System? GNOME is an official GNU project, but it's not part of the GNU Operating System if my sources are correct, particularly evidenced by the promotion of Free/Libre GNU/Linux Operating Systems that do not appear to use GNOME on https://www.gnu.org/.
I also prefer that people said "GNU/Linux" properly, that is, how RMS says it. Also, you don't have to install GNU/Linux yourself, particularly if you are not a fan of automated installers. You can have someone else relive the time when setting up GNU/Linux system on your behalf, from which you can proceed to live vicariously through them.
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