First (hacked together) Emacs package


I was toying in Common Lisp and had to look up something in the specification. With SLIME or SLY, you can look up a symbol in the reference through HyperSpec. HyperSpec is available for free, but it's not "free" in the FLOSS sense of the word.

So I started to hack something together to use I posted something here: It's based off of hyperspec.el but I started to make changes to it. The biggest chunk was to re-map all the symbols (like over 1000 of them) to the pages in the repo and then rewrite the interface when I do the C-c C-d C-h binding, defaulting in SLY to a function that grabs the symbol at a point and then looking up in HyperSpec. The main chunk is to generate the symbol mapping.

I write this now because I totally forgot about it until I wanted to look up something. I surprised myself :) I don't turn off my computer often and I forgot I still had it hacked together. I have to properly set it up in my Emacs config :)

In: lisp emacs