A Christmas present for everybody (but don't take mine). If you are desperately wanting your new company to sound like it was founded in the 1960s with the most blandest and plain sounding electronic or computer company as possible, here is some code to generate a large list. Trust me, a lot of the good ones /are taken/. :D Now! I didn't give you all of my bland words, but I will give a hint: https://manx-docs.org/about.php :D
This is in Emacs Lisp but looks vaguely similar also to CL. :D
(defvar first-names '("Applied" "Data"))
(defvar middles '("Systems" "" "Functional" "Function" "Controls"))
(defvar lasts '("Systems" "Controls" ""))
(defvar incorporation '("Corporation" "Inc" "LLC"))
(defun generate-names ()
"Spit me out possible names of 1960-1970s companies."
(let (res '())
(dolist (first first-names)
(dolist (middle middles)
(dolist (last lasts)
(dolist (inc incorporation)
(if (or (not (string-equal first middle))
(not (string-equal first last))
(not (string-equal middle last)))
(setq res (append (list (list first middle last inc)) res)))
(setq my-names (generate-names))
(dolist (name my-names)
(princ (concat (string-join name " ") "\n"))
Made with Bootstrap and my site generator script.