I think I will start each month with filling out the list of things I could do and then just change it month by month.
As I wait for things to settle, I am going to get through some ideas that I have had, which I am pulling over from December.
I worked on something for work that I never really fully used. It is a way to match documentation with executable scripts, tying MkDocs into it to make it navigable and searchable. It is nice to use, but I never really got far with it. I cleaned it up a bit and made it into a public git repo: https://gitlab.com/bolsen80/snippets. Basically, I can look up something using a search string on a command line and then get a result back of matching snippets that I can just run. I would generate scripts for myself to write the snippets, to make the workflow quick and easy for me. The scripts generated are shell scripts, but the system is really language-agnostic.
I am doing this because this month, I might build it out more to serve my goal of the "personal knowledge" project. Some of the things I do in it could actually be related.
I decided to pick up my site generator again. I organized it a bit, created a nice CLI interface for it and did a lot of cleanup. I gave it a name: "maser" - to "mas" is to nag in Norwegian or as I remember growing up, to "babble nonsense" a lot.
Here is the GitLab repo: https://gitlab.com/bolsen80/maser. Since I wrote this for myself, I don't expect this to be anything more than my own thing to build this site and maybe a couple other sites for myself.
I did a bit of a refactor, fixed bugs, etc. One important thing is removing a lot of file accesses for the same files. The results were impressive, even if it doesn't do a lot of work. So this is basically a 58% performance improvement just not opening the same files so much:
(maser) ➜ brian time mas build
mas build 0,29s user 0,03s system 100% cpu 0,326 total
(maser) ➜ brian time python ../build.py
python ../build.py 0,75s user 0,04s system 100% cpu 0,789 total
I found some bugs:
Made with Bootstrap and my site generator script.